Saturday, 21 February 2015

Confidence is Everything.

To be honest, I am a person that lacks confidence and it's not just confidence in speaking, I lacked self confidence. Self confidence is crucial to everyone because what would life be if you weren't proud of who you were. And it is worse when you realise that you will have to live with yourself for your entire life.

In your life, not everyone is going to accept your flaws but it is fine because it's not just you. Everyone has flaws. Maybe some people are good at covering them up but at the end of the day, they know that they can't hide their flaws from themselves.

I was a person that hated looking at myself in the mirror when I was in high school. I had a dark complexion and acne. I assume you understand what my school life would have been. But back then, I didn't care much because people liked me for who I was and honestly I have to say that I'm grateful that my insecurities didn't ruin my schooling life. Anyway, I went to a Convent school which is an all-girls school so it wasn't as hard to deal with insecurities because everyone had their own issues. 
 But ever since I joined college, I have been surrounded by guys. It was a totally different situation and my insecurities were raging. One thing about guys that I totally adore is that they don't care about three quarter of the things girls worry about themselves. My college life was pretty good even though there wasn't any parties at all. My course consist of about 8 people and we were a group that hanged out a lot. Despite coming from different cultures, we somehow were very close. So being the only girl among them didn't change anything. I was myself and they always supported and never judged me. And then the major part of all this was joining university. I didn't only have to move to the UK but I also was in a new studying environment. This was nerve wrecking for me. I had a tough time during my first year. I hated every moment because it was just plain awkward. I lost my confidence entirely and with that I lost my social skills. I couldn't communicate with people. I was constantly going to the university and back home. I had a handful of friends but it wasn't the sort of social life that I was looking for. Not that I'm saying that I was expecting friends to party every night but I wanted friends that made me experience a proper British lifestyle. 

One thing about confidence is that if you lose touch of it, I could be tricky to get it back as you will constantly question yourself if you have to try. This may vary in people. If you are an extrovert, that confidence is within you but I can be tough if you are an introvert. I would say that I'm 60% introvert and 40% extrovert. And I only figured that out lately because I thought I hated talking to people but it wasn't that, I wasn't confident enough to talk to anyone. 

Confidence is not something that you just have. It's a skill that anyone can learn. Yes, you don't want to die without self-confidence. It's as easy as pretending. 

It's easy to tricky people into thinking that you are a person with lots of confidence. How you may ask. 

1. Never ever compare yourself to anyone.

Yeah I know, it's not easy. I have catched myself doing it without realising it. But this needs to stop. Gain some self control . People around you may "look" perfect but honestly who actually is perfect? 

2. Don't let anyone define you. 

Why should anyone elses judgement define who you are? And why should such judgements affect you. I know everyone judges, but if you are going to let someone's opinion matter, it better be from someone who truly knows you. And to be honest, people who love you will never judge you. So screw those who think of you any less than what you are. 

3. Love yourself.

You may have flaws but it doesn't matter because those flaws make you different and unique. If we all didn't have flaws, we wouldn't be grateful for what we actually have. Don't hate yourself if you have acne and scars, it will fade away. Don't hide yourself and hurt yourself because of others because someday you won't have to see those people anymore and you will realise how much time you have wasted on hating yourself when the problem wasn't you at all. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, nice post! I really liked this self-confidence run down. Handled it like a pro. And I agree with everything you said. I'm someone who wants to see everyone with all the confidence in the world. I'm always saying to never judge yourself by the people around you or who pass you by. Never be worried about just being you, because like you said, everyone is unique. I guess it takes a bit of self belief to do that, but once you really get going, it's kinda fun to keep on going. Thumbs up for an awesome message in a really nice post!
