Wednesday 14 January 2015

Social Networking Gone Wrong!

Have you ever wondered how do people have such confidence or guts to socialise on social networks? Because everyday I scroll through my Facebook NewsFeed wondering if there's something wrong with me or I just have a bunch of weirdos on my Facebook. 

Maybe the problem is with me since I barely post anything on social networks without thinking it out. I always question myself before I post anything. Questions like 'Is this necessary?', ' Would it matter to others?', 'Will my colleagues think that I have nothing better to do?'. Yeah, those are just a few of the questions I usually ask myself. I know that I shouldn't care about others' opinions but social network is becoming a place where you don't only meet people, you make first impressions on it too and why would you want to ruin it by posting something that came through your mind for the moment? 

Next, imagine being a teacher and you have your students on your social networks. Would you still post about your love life ? Or would you still post the infinite amount of selfies you take in a day? I don't know about others, but I would be pretty embarrassed if I was a teacher and my student commented anything about my private life or even worse, bring it up in a conversation. 

People nowadays think for the moment and they don't see the long term effects of it. Social networks are not being used for the main purpose anymore. As much as social networking has advantages, it also has quite the amount of disadvantages. People need to think to thoroughly before posting their private life .



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